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All About Depression

Depression is a common mental illness, a lot of teens and adults tend to struggle with it. It’s different from the other illnesses because it has much deeper effects on different people. In most illnesses, they might experience sadness, but as a short term feeling, but in depressive disorder people tend to feel dull and sad for a much longer period of time. It can affect a person so bad that they have struggle to do normal thing. ( Such as taking a shower, eating, etc.) Depression is caused by a lot of different things working together. Biologically, it may be caused by genetics and problems with neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain that control feelings and mood. Having persistently negative thoughts, low self-esteem, and a general feeling of dread are all psychological factors that play a big role in the condition. Depression can also be caused by events in their life, such as a death of a loved one, living though trauma, being abused or raped, or having to constantly stress about one thing. Having health related problems can also cause or worsen depression. Depression is one of the most important illnesses that have to be treated. Depression can have such a big effect on your life, impacting and destroying almost everything. People tend to lose interest or pleasure from practically everything that brought them peace or happiness in the past, their appetite can change and result in them either gaining or losing weight. ( most likely losing). Depression can also affect their physical health, by making in hard to sleep or insomnia, and feeling dull, and worthless all the time. People who struggle with depression often seem too have trouble completing work, making decisions and think about ending it all. These are all absolutely horrible symptoms, making is hard enough to do normal things or get anything done. Depression is one of the worst and unfortunelty most common illnesses. There is a lot of treatment, and therapist available that are more then welcome to always help.

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