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All About Border Personality Disorder (BPD)

BPD ( border personality disorder)

People who struggle with BPD ( border personality disorder), often come along struggling with their behaviour, self image, and long-term working problems. Most of these problems force people to act without thinking and ruin relationships, since people struggling with BPD often have heavy bouts of anger, anxiety and sadness, which could last for hours and sometimes even days. There is no particular reason why people tend to struggle with BPD, but in some cases it can be caused by being emotionally unstable, traumatic relationships and abuse as kids. While doing Reasearch I read a brain study, which shows that people who struggle with BPD often have changes in the structure and function of parts of the brain that have a deep effect on emotions and impulses. It is very important to understand and treat BPD due to the deep effect it has on a person and their life. If it’s left untreated it can lead to relationships issues, self harm, suicide thoughts, and drug abuse. The main symptoms of BPD include, having abandonment issues. If a persons biggest fear is being abandoned or left alone, even when everything is going well, they are struggling with abandonment issues. Another symptom is having unstable relationships, which contain of either going back and forth between valuing and ignoring them. Another symptom is behaving impulsively, which is driving recklessly, binge eating, abusing drugs. Sometimes people with BPD can also have suicidal thoughts, and often self harm.

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